watercolor monotype with wax drawing
Dreamings #3
Dreamings #4
Dreamings #6
Dreamings #8
Dreamings #9
Dreamings #11
Dreamings #12
Dreamings #13
Prophetic Dream
Reticolo #1
Reticolo #2
Reticolo #3
Reticolo #6
Reticolo #7
Reticolo #8
Reticolo #11
Reticolo #12
Reticolo #13
Woven Fences #2
Woven Fences #4
to view more work please visit Oehme Graphics
encaustic monotypes – abstract landscapes
Violet Field
Foggy Meadow
Distant Peaks
Alluvial Soils 1
Fog on the Horizon
Alluvial Soils 2
Percolating Soil
Glacial Till